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Public Services

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  1. Local Vessels Safety Section (LVS) is responsible for the safety inspection of vessels operating within Hong Kong waters & Pearl River Estuary and new vessels under construction, and the formulation and updating of technical standards and legislation for local licensed vessels. Annually, the Section carries out about 5,300 survey visits involving about 3,600 local vessels for the issue of about 4,500 safety certificates of various kinds. These works include about 30 vessels newly constructed together with about 4,800 drawings approval.
  2. LVS also meets regularly the associations and representatives of the industry to hear their view on the safety issues. Safety handbooks and posters are prepared by the Section to promote the safety awareness to shipowners and operators. Safety precautions and the proper function of the safety appliances are publicized and explained in the safety open days of the industry.
  3. The Code of Practice – Safety Standards for Class I, II and III Vessels (CoP) applicable to passenger carrying vessels, other commercial vessels and fishing vessels has been partitioned according to vessel class. At the same time, this CoP together with the existing Code of Practice – Safety Standards for Class IV Vessels were amended to incorporate the amendments, additions and deletions to relevant laws; and revisions of ambiguous interpretations, obsolete requirements, etc. For details, please refer to the following Marine Department webpage:

  4. The introduction of a new legislation "Merchant Shipping (Prevention of Air Pollution) Regulation ("PAPR") which is a subsidiary Regulation of Chapter 413 "Merchant Shipping (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Ordinance" , Marine Department Notice No. 39 of 2016PDF gives more information. The commencement date of this new legislation "PAPR" is on 1 July 2016.
  5. LVS"s service statistics (see "Pamphlet" - Annual Statistical Tables of Marine Department) of recent years are available for reference.