(For computerized examination conducted by Marine Department only)

  1. Demonstrative Application - helps candidates to familiarize themselves with the format and operation of the new computerized examination system (Best viewed with 1024 x 768 resolution)
  2. Mock Examination - allows candidates to practise the examinations in a simulated environment. Candidates are required to login by inputting the first four characters of their identity document number and date of birth before taking the Mock Examination. (Supported Platform: Microsoft Windows 10 (Recommended))   Application has been upgraded at 10:10 hours on 05-12-2024, please download and reinstall the application if you have an old version.


The Demonstrative Applications and Mock Examination linked to this webpage are simulated versions of the actual examinations and are for illustrative purpose only.

The Demonstrative Application may not be displayed or functioned properly on Firefox. If it happens, please take the following steps to configure your browser to have a proper display.

  1. Open Firefox,
  2. Input "about:config" at the address bar
  3. Click the "Accept the risk and continue" button if prompted
  4. Input "dom.element.popover.enabled" at the search bar
  5. change the value to "true" by clicking the two-way arrow button

Web Accessibility Conformance

The Government is actively promoting web accessibility to facilitate persons with disabilities, such as visual impairment, to access online information and services and enhance their user experience. However, since the Demonstrative Applications and Mock Examination linked to this webpage are simulated versions of the actual examinations and are aimed at helping candidates to familiarize themselves with the computerized examination system, not all accessibility features have been incorporated. Please refer to Important notices for further information.

For inquiries, please contact us at

Tel.: 2852 4941
Fax: 2541 6754
E-mail: sscrt@mardep.gov.hk