PSC Performance of Hong Kong Registered Ships

  1. HKMD collects the PSC information of Hong Kong registered ships from various PSC regimes to evaluate the performance of individual ship as well as the overall fleet performance.
  2. The performance of Hong Kong fleet against the benchmarks derived from the available statistics of different PSC regimes (including Paris MOU, Tokyo MOU, Black Sea MOU, Indian Ocean MOU, Med MOU, Vina Del Mar & USCG, etc) in the past three years are:

      Detention rate #1 No. of deficiency per inspection #2 % of inspection with no deficiency detected#3
      World Wide HK Fleet World Wide HK Fleet World Wide HK Fleet
    2022#4 2.77% 1.40% 1.89 1.17 55.10% 67.90%
    2023#4 3.39% 0.81% 2.18 1.37 49.37% 57.93%
    2024#4 3.30% 0.69% 2.22 1.30 47.99% 58.33%
    Average 3.15% 0.97% 2.10 1.28 50.82% 61.38%
    #1 : Detention rate = (total number of detention) / (total number of inspection).
    #2 : Number of deficiency per inspection = (total number of deficiency detected) / (total number of inspection).
    #3 : % of inspection with no deficiency = (total number of inspection with no deficiency detected) / (total number of inspection).
    #4 : Figures are abstracted from the official annual report of MOUs and reliable data sources and are subject to change and update.
  3. Graphical presentations of the above figures are also provided below for the easy comparison of the Hong Kong fleet quality with the benchmarks.

    Detention Rate

    No. of Deficiency per Inspection

    % of Inspection with No Deficiency

General Guidelines on PSC Detention of Hong Kong registered cargo ships

  1. In the event of a Hong Kong registered ship being detained as a result of PSC intervention, the ship master or owner should immediately:
    1. forward a copy of the PSC inspection report (i.e. FORM A and FORM B), stating when, where and by whom the ship has been detained, to this Department; and
    2. contact the local office of the concerned Recognized Organization (RO) / Recognized Security Organization to arrange an inspection and/or audit for confirmation of the rectification of the deficiencies and/or non conformities.
  2. In addition to fulfilling the reporting requirement as stated in paragraph 4(i) above, prompt receipt of information relating to detentions will enable this Department to take the necessary follow-up action, including assessing the seriousness of deficiencies, evaluating the justification for detention, and compiling reports to the International Maritime Organization (IMO) on the outcome.

Actions to be Taken to Avoid Detention

  1. To avoid PSC detentions, owners and management companies of Hong Kong registered ships are reminded that :-
    1. continuous and proper onboard maintenance to upkeep your ships in good condition is the most effective way to reduce deficiencies/detentions. PSCOs normally would not accept any excuse for delays in maintenance. The lack of maintenance over a number of non-critical items would constitute a detainable deficiency under the ISM Code;
    2. establishing a practice to conduct a check on your ships in accordance with your company"s checklist before they call any ports. In case of finding any deficiency which could not be rectified, you should inform the relevant port authority of the deficiency before entry of a port. You should also seek this Department"s dispensation for any mal-functioned equipment if you could not temporarily fix it;
    3. ensure your crew have received proper training of onboard safety management system and could effectively conduct all drills. All drills carried out should be well recorded;
    4. ensure the responsible officers could effectively communicate with PSCOs as in some cases, critical comments would be caused by poor communication with PSCOs; and
    5. whenever an accident occurs to a ship or a defect is discovered which affects the safety of the ship or the efficiency or completeness of its equipment, it shall be reported at the earliest opportunity to this Department and the concerned RO.
  2. A list of serious deficiencies of Hong Kong ships detected under PSC inspections in various ports is attached below for ready reference of owners and management companies of Hong Kong registered ships.

    Details of Detention of Hong Kong Ships :

  3. Distribution of deficiencies natures for detained vessels