(Disbanded on 22 September 2017)


Date of Meeting Agenda Paper Minutes of Meeting
Consultation paper for comments - SCC/174 Consultation paper for comments
( Annex 1 Consultation paper for comments , Annex 2 Consultation paper for comments )
Consultation paper for comments - SCC/173 Consultation paper for comments
( Annex 1 Consultation paper for comments , Annex 2 Consultation paper for comments , Annex 3 Consultation paper for comments ,
Annex 4 Consultation paper for comments , Annex 5 Consultation paper for comments , Annex 6 Consultation paper for comments )
If the text cannot be viewed, please contact EO/S&MPD (1) at
2852 3067 for assistance
16 December 2016 View Agenda on 16 December 2016 SCC/171 Consultation paper for comments
( Annex 1 Consultation paper for comments , Annex 2 Consultation paper for comments , Annex 3 Consultation paper for comments ,
Annex 4 Consultation paper for comments , Annex 5 Consultation paper for comments )

SCC/172 Consultation paper for comments
( Annex 1 Consultation paper for comments , Annex 2 Consultation paper for comments , Annex 3 Consultation paper for comments ,
Annex 4 Consultation paper for comments , Annex 5 Consultation paper for comments , Annex 6 Consultation paper for comments ,
Annex 7 Consultation paper for comments ,Annex 8 Consultation paper for comments )
If the text cannot be viewed, please contact EO/S&MPD(1) at 2852 3067 for assistance
Consultation paper for comments - SCC/170 Consultation paper for comments -
Consultation paper for comments - SCC/169 Consultation paper for comments
Annex 1 Consultation paper for comments
Consultation paper for comments - SCC/168 Consultation paper for comments -
12 November 2015 View Agenda on 12 November 2015 - View Meeting on 12 November 2015
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Consultation paper for comments - SCC/167 Consultation paper for comments
Annex 1 Consultation paper for comments
Consultation paper for comments - SCC/166 Consultation paper for comments
Annex is not available, please contact EO/S&MPD(1) at 2852 3067 for assistance
Consultation paper for comments - SCC/165 Consultation paper for comments
Annex 1 Consultation paper for comments
Annex 2 Consultation paper for comments
Annex 3 Consultation paper for comments
Annex 4 Consultation paper for comments
Annexes 5 to 8 are not available, please contact EO/S&MPD(1) at 2852 3067 for assistance
30 July 2014 View Agenda on 30 July 2014 Appendix Consultation paper for comments View Meeting on 30 July 2014
Consultation paper for comments - SCC/164 Consultation paper for comments -
Consultation paper for comments - SCC/163 Consultation paper for comments -
Consultation paper for comments - SCC/162 Consultation paper for comments -
Consultation paper for comments - SCC/161 -
Consultation paper for comments - SCC/160 Consultation paper for comments -
Consultation paper for comments - SCC/159 Consultation paper for comments -
Consultation paper for comments - SCC/158 Consultation paper for comments
Appendix 1 Consultation paper for comments
Appendix 2 Consultation paper for comments
Appendix 2 - Annex 1 Consultation paper for comments
Appendix 2 - Annex 2 Consultation paper for comments
Appendix 2 - Annex 3 Consultation paper for comments
27 September 2013 View Agenda on 27 September 2013 - View Meeting on 27 September 2013
Consultation paper for comments - SCC/157 Consultation paper for comments
annex 1 Consultation paper for comments
annex 2 Consultation paper for comments
annex 3 Consultation paper for comments
annex 4 Consultation paper for comments
annex 5 Consultation paper for comments
annex 6 Consultation paper for comments
31 January 2013 View Agenda on 31 January 2013 - View Meeting on 31 January 2013
Consultation paper for comments - SCC/156 Consultation paper for comments
annex 1 Consultation paper for comments
annex 2 Consultation paper for comments
Consultation paper for comments - SCC/155 Consultation paper for comments
annex 1 Consultation paper for comments
annex 2 Consultation paper for comments
annex 3 Consultation paper for comments


Assistant Director / Multi-lateral Policy Chairman
Assistant Director / Shipping Representing Marine Department
Mr. Arthur BOWRING Representing the Hong Kong Shipowners Association Limited
Capt. LI Chi Wai Representing Hong Kong Seamen's Union
Capt. YU Chi-ming Representing the Merchant Navy Officers' Guild - Hong Kong
Mr. David BEAVES Representing the legal sector
Capt. Pradeep CHAWLA Representing the shipping industry
Capt. ZHOU Wei Representing the shipping industry
Capt. Fared Khan Representing the shipping industry
Mr. Dilip K NAIR Representing the shipping industry
Mr. Pradeep RANJAN Representing the shipping industry
Mr. C. Kocherla Representing the shipping industry
Mr. Alex Oleksandr BILOKON Representing the shipping industry
Capt. Sanjeev KUMAR Representing the shipping industry
Capt. CHEN Shui-liang Representing the shipping industry
Mr. Philip K H Tsoi Representing the shipping industry
Mr. CHEN Yan Representing the shipping industry
Mr. DONG Qing-ru Representing the shipping industry
Mr. Abhay S Joshi Representing the shipping industry
Mr. Sancho KIM Representing the shipping industry
Mr. Dipak DASH Representing the shipping industry
Mr. Alasdair Smith Representing the shipping industry
Mr. ZHANG Bao-liang Representing the shipping industry
Mr. LI Shu-dong Representing the shipping industry
Mr. YI Yue-feng Representing the shipping industry
Mr. LI Ke-wei Representing the shipping industry
Executive Officer/Shipping & Multi-lateral Policy Division(1) Secretary

Terms of Reference

To advise the Director of Marine on the efficient operation of the Hong Kong Register of Shipping and Hong Kong's effective participation at the International Maritime Organization.


Miss Jennifer LAM, EO/S&MPD(1) (Tel.: 2852-3067 Fax: 2545-0556)