(Disbanded on 22 September 2017)

(Some of the following documents are in PDF (Portable Document Format). Please download the Adobe Acrobat Reader and install the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and print them.)


Date of Meeting Agenda Paper Minutes of Meeting
Consultation paper for comments - SCC/154 Consultation paper for comments
annex A Consultation paper for comments
annex B Consultation paper for comments
27 April 2012 View Agenda on 27 April 2012 - View Meeting on 27 April 2012
Consultation paper for comments - View Consultation paper for comments, SCC/153 -
Consultation paper for comments - View Consultation paper for comments, SCC/152 -
11 November 2011 View Agenda on 11 November 2011 - View Meeting on 11 November 2011
Consultation paper for comments - View Consultation paper for comments, SCC/151 -
8 June 2011 View Agenda on 8 June 2011 - View Meeting on 8 June 2011
Consultation paper for comments - View Consultation paper for comments, SCC/150,SCC/149,SCC/148,SCC/147,SCC/146 -
5 October 2010 View Agenda on 5 October 2010 - View Meeting on 5 October 2010
Consultation paper for comments - View Consultation paper for comments, SCC/145 -
20 January 2010 View Agenda on 20 January 2010 - View Meeting on 20 January 2010
Consultation paper for comments - View Consultation paper for comments, SCC/144 -
Consultation paper for comments - View Consultation paper for comments, SCC/143 -
Consultation paper for comments - View Consultation paper for comments, SCC/142 -
11 June 2009 View Agenda on 11 June 2009 - View Meeting on 11 June 2009
Consultation paper for comments - View Consultation paper for comments, SCC/141 -
Consultation paper for comments - View Consultation paper for comments, SCC/140 -
14 November 2008 View Agenda on 14 November 2008 - View Meeting on 14 November 2008
Consultation paper for comments - View Consultation paper for comments , SCC/139, SCC/138 -
Consultation paper for comments - View Consultation paper for comments, SCC/137 -
Consultation paper for comments - View Consultation paper for comments , SCC/136 -
29 May 2008 View Agenda on 29 May 2008 - View Meeting on 29 May 2008
Consultation paper for comments - View Consultation paper for comments, SCC/135 -
Consultation paper for comments - View Consultation paper for comments, SCC/134, SCC/133 -
Consultation paper for comments - View Consultation paper for comments, SCC/132 -
Consultation paper for comments - View Consultation paper for comments, SCC/131 -
7 November 2007 View Agenda on 7 November 2007 - View Meeting on 7 November 2007
Consultation paper for comments - View Consultation paper for comments, SCC/130 -
Consultation paper for comments - View Consultation paper for comments, SCC/129 -
Consultation papers for comments - View Consultation paper for comments, SCC/128, SCC/127 -
9 May 2007 View Agenda on 9 May 2007 - View Meeting on 9 May 2007
Consultation paper for comments - View Consultation paper for comments, SCC/126 -
Consultation paper for comments - View Consultation paper for comments, SCC/125 -
13 November 2006 View Agenda on 13 November 2006 - View Meeting on 13 November 2006
Consultation paper for comments - View Consultation paper for comments, SCC/124 -
Consultation paper for comments - View Consultation paper for comments, SCC/123, SCC/122 -
28 April 2006 View Agenda on 28 April 2006 - View Meeting on 28 April 2006
Consultation paper for comments - View Consultation paper for comments, SCC/121 -
Consultation papers for comments - View Consultation paper for comments, SCC/120, SCC/119 -
3 November 2005 View Agenda on 3 November 2005 - View Meeting on 3 November 2005


Assistant Director of Marine
(Multi-lateral Policy)
Assistant Director of Marine
(Marine Department)
Mr. Arthur BOWRING (Representing Hong Kong Shipowners Association)
Capt. LI Chi Wai (Representing Hong Kong Seamen's Union)
Capt. YU Chi-ming (Representing Merchant Navy Officers' Guild - Hong Kong)
Ms. CHEUNG Ching-ki Maggie (Representing shipping industry)
Capt. Pradeep CHAWLA (Representing shipping industry)
Capt. ZHOU Wei (Representing shipping industry)
Capt. NING Pao Kun (Representing shipping industry)
Capt. Umesh LULLA (Representing shipping industry)
Mr. Dilip K. NAIR (Representing shipping industry)
Mr. LI Shu-dong (Representing shipping industry)
Mr. Pradeep RANJAN (Representing shipping industry)
Capt. LU Jian Jian (Representing shipping industry)
Capt. Vijay M. SOMAN (Representing shipping industry)
Capt. Peter YUK (Representing shipping industry)
Mr. SHUM Yee Hong (Representing shipping industry)
Capt. Lothair M.F. LAM (Representing shipping industry)
Executive Officer / Shipping & Multi-lateral Policy Divisions (1) (Secretary)

Terms of Reference

To advise the Director of Marine on the efficient operation of the Hong Kong Register of Shipping and Hong Kong's effective participation at the International Maritime Organization.


Miss Venus CHANG, EO/S&MPD(1)(Tel.: 2852-3067 Fax: 2545-0556)