Deck crew
The deck department is responsible for ensuring safe navigation of vessels, safe handling and maintaining cargo on the vessels in good condition. The ranks of deck officers include master mariners, chief mates, second and third officers, as well as night vision officers.
To become a deck officer, one must first complete recognised maritime courses and other training, and serve as a cadet in the deck department to receive in-service training. After obtaining sufficient sea service experience, the cadet may apply for the respective examination for the Certificates of Competency (Deck Officer) Class 3, and be eligible to serve as night vision officer, third officer or second officer. After accumulating sufficient sea time, the officer may apply for examinations for Class 2 and then Class 1 certificates. Upon obtaining the Class 1 certificate, the officer is eligible to serve as a master mariner.
The charts show the promotion paths for deck officers on board local, river trade and seagoing vessels.