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Date of Meeting Agenda
(PDF in Chinese version only)
(PDF in Chinese version only)
(PDF in Chinese version only)
Circulated on 22 March 2023 - 1/2023
annex 1
17 Dec 2021 (6th) View 3/2021
annex 1
annex 2
annex 3
annex 1
31 May 2021 (5th) View 1/2021
annex 1
annex 1
annex 2
annex 3
30 April 2019 (4th) View 1/2019
annex 1
annex 2
annex 1
(1)CoP Class I
(2)CoP Class I Annex Z-1
(3)CoP Class II
(4)CoP Class II Annex Z-1
annex 1
If the text cannot be viewed, please contact EO/S&MPD (1) at 2852 3067 for assistance
23 October 2018 (3rd) View 2/2018 View
19 June 2018 (2nd) View 1/2018
annex 1
Circulated on 15 December 2017 - 4/2017 -
12 December 2017 (1st) View 1/2017
annex 1
Appendix 4

Membership (1.11.2023-31.10.2025)

General Manager/ Local Vessels Safety Chairman
Mr. Wan Chi-kwong Representative of Class I vessels
Mr. Wong Wai-chi Representative of Class I vessels
Mr. Kwok Wai-hung Representative of Class I vessels
Mr. LEE Shing-hing Representative of Class I vessels
Mr. Li Ya-jin Representatives of Class II vessels
Mr. Chan Tsz-chun, Peter Representatives of Class II vessels
Ms. Heung Chung-yan Representatives of Class II vessels
Mr. Ng Shi-lun Representatives of Class II vessels
Mr. Fung Kam-fan Representatives of Class I/II vessels
Mr. Chan Chi-ming Representatives of the ship-building and repairs industry
Mr. Szeto-feut Representatives of the ship-building and repairs industry
Mr. Yang Kai-qiang Seafarers' associations
Mr. CHEN Lin-long Representatives of authorized organizations
Mr. SO Wing-wah Representatives of authorized organizations
Mr. Szeto Yiu-kuen Representatives of authorized surveyors
Senior Surveyor of Ships/Local Vessels Safety Ex-officio member
Senior Marine Officer/Licensing & Port Formalities Ex-officio member
Senior Marine Officer/Harbour Patrol Section Ex-officio member
One representative from the Transport Department Ex-officio member
Surveyor of Ships(Engr)/Local Vessels Safety Secretary

Terms of Reference

To discuss any matters related to the management, control, operations, security, surveys, inspections, construction, maintenance, safety standards, environmental protection, the code of practice, etc. pertaining to Class I and Class II vessels, including maritime activities which affect such vessels. If separate discussion is required for any specific issues, the Chairman may decide to set up ad hoc working groups and invite relevant persons to attend the meetings. The results of the discussion of the Subcommittee shall be reported to the Local Vessels Advisory Committee.


Mr. Yip Li Kai
Surveyor of Ships(Engr)/Local Vessels Safety

Tel.: (852) 2852 4431
Fax Number : (852) 2542 4679
E-mail address : klkyip@mardep.gov.hk