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Surveys of low risk local vessels (i.e. all Class II vessels (other than oil tankers, noxious liquid substance carriers and dangerous goods carriers), all Class III vessels and those Class IV vessels for carrying passengers and engaged in chartering) can be carried out by authorized persons or organizations other than public officers. They are authorized surveyors (AS), authorized organizations (AO) and recognized authorities (RA). The fees charging by these survey parties on their work done are completely market driven that owner would have to deal with them directly.

The arrangement for survey of low risk vessels, which may be undertaken by AS/AO/RA in addition to Marine Department, are executed in accordance with a programme plan in two stages with four phases. Outline information are given as follows:-

  • Survey authorization programme plan
  • Arrangement on authorization of surveyors/organizations
  • Survey arrangement of Class IV vessels for carrying passengers engaged in chartering
    • Owner to engage authorized surveyors or authorized organizations directly;
    • Upon survey completion, a Certificate of Inspection will be issued directly by the concerned survey party to the owner. The authorized surveyors or authorized organizations will notify the Director as required.
  • Survey arrangement of low risk vessels ( Class II vessels (other than oil tankers, noxious liquid substances carriers and dangerous goods carriers) and all Class III vessels ):
    • Complete an "Notice of Engagement" for survey (completed and signed by both owner and concerned survey party ( AS/AO/RA) ) and indicated with necessary surveys to be carried out and certificates required in the "Notice of Engagement" ;
    • Complete and submit the "declaration of survey" by the concerned survey party (AS/AO/RA) to the Director;
    • Upon satisfaction, relevant certificates are issued by the Director upon satisfactory examination on the "declaration of survey" and necessary fees paid by the owner.

Survey Period and Certification for Certain Local Vessels

The validity of the Certificate of Survey for some specified Types and Categories of Class II and Class III vessels under the Merchant Shipping (Local Vessels) (Safety and Survey) Regulation (Cap. 548 Sub. Leg.) indicated below:-

1. The Certificates of Survey of the following vessels are valid for 24 months from the date of completion of the survey, or the expiry date of the existing certificates if the existing certificates have not expired on the date of completion of the survey but no certificates are valid for more than 26 months, subject to the submission of " Declaration on annual survey of safety equipment for Class II B vessel " or " Declaration of Safety and Equipment for Renewal of Fishing Vessel /Fishing Sampan Licence " at the anniversary date from the previous survey between validity period of the certificates by the Owner of the vessels during the licensing renewal process:-

Class Category Descriptions of the Vessels Types of the Vessels
II B Non-self propelled wooden vessels Landing platform, landing pontoon, transportation sampan, work boat.
II B Non-self propelled GRP vessels Landing platform, landing pontoon, transportation sampan, work boat.
II B Steel landing platform Landing Platform
II B Steel landing pontoon Landing Pontoon
III B Wooden fishing vessels that are 8 m or more in registered length Fishing Vessel (Wooden)8 m ≦(L)
III B GRP fishing sampans that are 8 m and below 15 m in registered length Fishing Sampan (GRP)8 m ≦(L) < 15 m
III B GRP fishing sampans that are less than 8 m in registered length plying within Hong Kong waters Fishing Sampan (GRP)(L) < 8 m

The Certificates of Survey of the following vessels are valid for 36 months from the date of completion of the survey, or the expiry date of the existing certificates if the existing certificates have not expired on the date of completion of the survey but no certificates are valid for more than 38 months, subject to the submission of " Declaration on annual survey of safety equipment for Class II B vessel " or " Declaration of Safety and Equipment for Renewal of Fishing Vessel /Fishing Sampan Licence " at the anniversary date from the previous survey between validity period of the certificates by the Owner of the vessels during the licensing renewal process:-

Class Category Descriptions of the Vessels Types of the Vessels
II B Stationary vessels and the products of their length overall (m) and extreme breadth (m) are not exceeding 25 m 2. Stationary vessels L x B < 25 m2
III B Wooden fishing sampans that are less than 8 m in registered length plying within Hong Kong waters Fishing Sampan (Wooden) (L) < 8 m