The Multi-lateral Policy Division (MPD) is headed by an Assistant Director of Marine, who is assisted by two Principal Surveyors, six Senior Surveyors and five Surveyors.

MPD looks after the development of technical policies and standards and the related legislation regulating international and coastal shipping, in particular, in areas of safety, maritime security, seafarer and environmental protection.

The Division keeps itself abreast with the latest developments by participating in meetings and other activities hosted by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and other relevant international organizations.

The Division is also responsible for liaison and consultation with Hong Kong shipping industry and the relevant government bureaux and departments to keep them informed of the latest developments in respect of safety; maritime security; marine environment protection standards; manning and training of seafarers; and other matters related to international shipping to facilitate compliance.

It co-ordinates and arranges necessary training for ship surveyors working in the Marine Department and provides technical advice to the Shipping Division in the administration of the Hong Kong registered ships.

The Division's Marine Accident Investigation Branch undertakes investigation into all marine accidents happened within Hong Kong waters or involving Hong Kong registered vessels with a view to avoiding recurrence and enhancing safety standards.