Mercantile Marine Office

The Mercantile Marine Office (MMO) is mainly responsible for the regulation of the employment of seafarers. Its main services include scrutiny of the Crew Agreement of Hong Kong Ships to ensure the conditions and qualifications of seafarers employed are in compliance with the legislation requirements; registration of Hong Kong seafarers; registration and inspection of shipping companies; conducting disciplinary inquiries on seafarers; conciliation services; etc.

Further Information

Further information on the crewing matters on Hong Kong Ships and registration of Hong Kong seafarers can be obtained from the following officers:

For Crewing Matters on Hong Kong Ships and Registration of Hong Kong Seafarers

Address : Mercantile Marine Office,
Marine Department,
3/F., Harbour Building,
38 Pier Road,
Hong Kong.
Tel : (852) 2852 3063 / 3061
Fax : (852) 2545 4669
E-mail :