Closure of a Ship's Registration by Owner
To de-register a ship from the Hong Kong Shipping Register, the registered ship owner should:
- Discharge all mortgage(s) registered against the ship (if any);
- Pay all outstanding due/charge(s) (if any);
- Complete the "Notice of Intention to Close a Ship's Registration by Owner" (MD 640), in the manner as stated in the article of association of the company normally under seal and witnessed by the director's signatory. (*The form shall be submitted in original)
- Confirm the date of de-registration by email or fax (or provide us the protocol of Delivery & Acceptance by email or fax)
Upon receiving the above documents, HKSR will confirm the date and time for de-registering the ship with the registered owner (normally by copying the Protocol of Delivery & Acceptable to our office by fax (852) 2541 8842) or email:, and issue the "Certificate of Deletion".
For more details, please refer to "Ship Registration Guildelines"