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Documents to be submitted for Demise Charter (Bareboat Charter) Registration

*Provisional registration is not a prerequisite for full registration.

Documents to be submitted Require Remarks
Application form (Form No. RS/A1 MD 638) OSS (webform), scanned or photocopy1
  • Annex of MD 638 can be submitted through OSS or designated email
Declaration of Entitlement to own a ship registered in Hong Kong (Form No. RS/D6 MD 646) made by Demise Charterer Original or scanned or photocopy
  • Attached with copy of completed set of the executed Charter Party with consent for the ship to register in Hong Kong
Form of Authority (Form No. MD 643) Scanned or photocopy  
Identity Document of Ship Owner
Identity Card (for individual owner) or Certificate of Incorporation or Registration (for corporate owner)
Scanned or photocopy  
Identity Document of Demise Charterer
Certificate of Incorporation or Registration (for corporate owner)
Scanned or photocopy  
Identity Document of Ship Representative Person
Certificate of Incorporation or Registration and Memorandum of Association (for corporate Representative Person)
Scanned or photocopy  

Declaration of Marking or Certificate of Marking
(Form No. RS/S1 MD 727)

Scanned or photocopy  

Certificate of Survey (COS)
(Form No. SUR59E MD 724)

Scanned or photocopy  
Evidence of deletion (require for ship reflagging to Hong Kong)
Acceptable evidences include:
  • a certificate of deletion from the last registry of the ship; or
  • a permission or document from the ship"s current registry to consent for deletion of the ship from their registry; or
  • a copy of the application made by the current owner of the ship for the deletion of the ship from its current registry
Scanned or photocopy  
Certificate of Ownership
(must show no registered encumbrance for the ship)
Scanned or photocopy
  • Not applicable to new ship or reflagging ship without change of ownership
Title document
  1. Builder"s Certificate for a new ship; or
  2. Duly executed Bill of Sale for ship acquired from purchasing transaction
  3. Court Order for auctioned ship
  4. Certificate of Ownership (issued by the current registry of the ship) for reflagging ship without change of ownership
Original for full registration
  • Copy of title document and power of attorney can be accepted for provisional registration.
  • Ship with mortgage brought forward from its current registry should provide with consent from its mortgagee for reflagging to the Hong Kong.
Protocol of Delivery and Acceptance Scanned or photocopy -


  • If the ship is concurrently registering in more than one register, evidences of deletion and certificates of ownership from each of the registers are required.
  • The last registration of the ship should be deleted upon the successfully registration of the ship on the Hong Kong Register of Ships
  • Forms for "Ship Registration" can be downloaded at HKMD web site
  • For more details, please refer to "Ship Registration Guidelines"
  1. Scanned copy can be submitted through OSS or designated email.