- The owner or ship management company of a Hong Kong registered ship is required to make an assessment of the number and grades of officers and ratings necessary for the safe operation and the security of the ship in accordance with the IMO resolution A.1047(27) . The manning level on board should be sufficient to ensure that:
- the watchkeeping standard stipulated in Chapter VIII, Part A of the STCW Code can be maintained;
- the officers and the ratings can perform their duties in accordance with the provisions of the approved Ship's Security Plan (SSP); and
- the officers and ratings are not required to work such long hours or under such condition that may jeopardize the safety and security of the ship, or be injurious to their own personal health and safety.
- Minimum safe manning proposal based on the assessment should be submitted by an application form together with the following drawings and documents:
- Mooring Arrangement Plan or General Arrangement for the cargo vessel in question;
- Certificate of Survey; and
- UMS Certificate, if applicable.
to the Senior Surveyor of Ships, Cargo Ships Safety Section for consideration. In the event that this Department is not satisfied with the proposal put forward by the owner or the management company, a new scale will be proposed by the Department. In case the owner or management company disagree with the counter proposal, they can arrange a practical demonstration of their crew to carry out the essential tasks in the context of their safe manning proposal for assessment by a surveyor of this Department. The cost involved for such assessment would be borne by the owners or operators.
- In the event of any change to the equipment, construction, use of the ship or the provisions of the approved SSP that may affect the safe manning level of number, the owner or ship management company should make an application for the issue of a new safe manning document. Upon receipt of the new certificate by the applicant, the obsolete manning certificate should be returned to Cargo Ships Safety Section for cancellation.