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For general technical matters during office hours

Subject Officer Tel. No. Fax. No. E-mail
Ship Registration & CSR Senior Surveyor / Ship Registration Services (+852) 2852 4387 (+852) 2541 8842 hksr@mardep.gov.hk
Quality Assurance Senior Surveyor / Quality Assurance (+852) 2852 4504 (+852) 2545 0556 ss_qa@mardep.gov.hk
Cargo Ship Surveys Senior Surveyor / Cargo Ships Safety Section (+852) 2852 4510 (+852) 2545 0556 ss_css@mardep.gov.hk
ISM / Ship Security Senior Surveyor / Cargo Ships Safety Section (+852) 2852 4510 (+852) 2545 0556 mms@mardep.gov.hk
Ship Station License Licensing Office,
Office of the Communications Authority (OFCA)
(+852) 2961 6282 (+852) 3155 0986 license.mob@ofca.gov.hk
GMDSS CoEC Support Services Sub-Section,
Office of the Communications Authority (OFCA)
(+852) 2961 6608 (+852) 3155 0914 maritime@ofca.gov.hk
Seafarers' Certification & Licence Senior Surveyor / Seafarers and Examination (1) (+852) 2852 4383 (+852) 2541 6754 sssem@mardep.gov.hk

Contact Point After Office Hours

For details of contact point after office hours, please refer to this link.
