CLC : Certificate of Insurance or Other Financial Security in respect of Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage

Bunkers Cert. : Certificate of Insurance or Other Financial Security in respect of Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage

The verification facility only verifies that whether a certificate has been issued to the named ship by this department. It cannot guarantee that the certificate in question is genuine. In case of doubt, further verification would be necessary.

Please fill in all fields according to the certificate and press submit

Please specify either the or

Please input only the Arabic No. of the Certificate Ref. No, it is located at the left bottom corner of the certificate.

Note : We need a minute to process each search. Please be patient.

Regarding the Bunkers Cert. issued for Hong Kong registered ships by the China Classification Society (CCS) and the Korean Register (KR) on behalf of Marine Department, please contact us directly for authentication.

For enquiry :
Tel : (852) 2852 4519 / Fax : (852) 2545 0556 / E-mail :