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MD maintains lists of suppliers of goods and services for invitation to quotation. Application for inclusion in the MD Supplier Lists is free of charge. Any firm not currently included but wishing to be considered for inclusion in these lists may submit a completed application form by fax : (852) 2307 3660 or by e-mail : grgfd@mardep.gov.hkor by mail to the following address :

Marine Department
Supplies Services Unit
1/F., Block K,
Government Dockyard,
Ngong Shung Road,
Stonecutters Island,
Sham Shui Po, Kowloon.

Application form for inclusion as a MD Supplier is available for downloading.

Applications received will be processed by MD. Subject to confirmation of their credentials, those firms that are found acceptable will be included in the MD Supplier Lists. Suppliers shall note and adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Suppliers maybe contacted for obtaining product information but purchase shall be made through invitation to quotation/tender exercise.
  2. Purchasing card shall be used for payment in low value purchase. Suppliers should contact the purchasing cards services providers (i.e. HSBC or Citibank) for the details of application.
  3. A Web Base Quotation System (WBQS) ( https://gfis-wbqs.mardep.gov.hk ) may be used for low value purchase, for which a notifying email will be sent to suppliers' registered email accounts once there is an invitation to quotation. Suppliers should follow the link in the email to login WBQS to retrieve the details of the quotation and submit their offer before the quotation closing date and time. For enquiry about the WBQS, please contact WBQS help desk at (852) 2307 3625 or send email to gfis-helpdesk@mardep.gov.hk.
  4. When a Supplier has submitted the Application Form for inclusion as a MD Supplier and is included under MD Supplier List. The Supplier will be governed under the Performance Assessment System of Suppliers. Demerit point will be recorded if the Supplier failed to meet the delivery requirement or other quality issues. A Supplier who has accumulated 45 demerit points or more will be subject to suspend from participating MD's invitation to quotation exercise for up to two (2) months.
  5. Any supplier having (i) poor quotation/tender response rate, (ii) contract default, (iii) bankruptcy; or (iv) involved in business fraud or any unethical practice, may lead to suspension and/or deletion from MD Supplier List.
  6. MD reserves the right to review the status of a firm as a MD Supplier in the light of any new information that may affect such status.

Firms in the MD Supplier List will receive notification on invitation to quotation for the supply of goods or services under the respective category(ies) they selected when requirement arises.

For information about other departments which maintain supplier lists, please click the hyperlink below to make reference to the "List Table of Government Departments Which Maintain Supplier Lists for Commonly Used Goods and Services" on the website of the Government Logistics Department.

For enquiry, please contact Supplies Services Unit of MD at (852) 2307 3517.


  1. The MD Supplier Lists are intended for mailing purposes (where applicable) only. None of the MD's notifications of quotation invitation for the supply of goods or services ("Notifications") shall give rise to any right or expectation on the part of the MD Suppliers ("Suppliers") or any obligation on the part of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ("Government"). The Government makes no statement, representation or warranty (express or implied) to Suppliers that the Notifications or any of them will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error free. For open tenders, the Suppliers should read the tender notices published in the Government Gazette and the website of MD.
  2. The Government shall not in any event be liable to any Suppliers for any loss or damage whatsoever arising out of or in relation to any failure or delay in receiving any Notifications (whether transmitted by electronic means or otherwise) or removal of any Suppliers from the MD Supplier Lists at any point of time, including but not limited to direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages, damages for loss of profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or other pecuniary loss, even if MD has been advised of the possibility of such loss or damage, whether in contract or tort, or on any other legal or equitable grounds.
  3. Any Notifications or other communications from MD to the Suppliers shall be deemed to be received (i) if sent by post, the next business day in Hong Kong immediately after the date of despatch (Hong Kong time); and (ii) if sent by fax or email, when despatched, regardless of whether the Suppliers have actually received such Notifications or communications (as the case may be).