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Date Agenda Minutes of Meeting Paper
30 November 2005 View Agenda on 30 November 2005 View Minutes of Meeting on 30 November 2005 View Paper on 30 November 2005
22 September 2005 View Agenda on 22 September 2005 View Minutes of Meeting on 22 September 2005 View Paper on 22 September 2005
17 January 2005 View Agenda on 17 January 2005 View Minutes of Meeting on 17 January 2005 View Paper on 17 January 2005
23 September 2004 View Agenda on 23 September 2004 View Minutes of Meeting on 23 September 2004 View Paper on 23 September 2004
14 April 2004 View Agenda on 14 April 2004 View Minutes of Meeting on 14 April 2004 -
22 November 2002 View Agenda on 22 November 2002 View Minutes of Meeting on 22 November 2002 -
2 May 2001 View Agenda on 2 May 2001 View Minutes of Meeting on 2 May 2001 -
22 March 2000 - View Minutes of Meeting on 22 March 2000 -
22 September 1999 View Agenda on 22 September 1999 - -
25 March 1999 - View Minutes of Meeting on 25 March 1999 -
14 August 1997 - - -


General Manager/Operations (Chairman)
Mr. Cowen CHIU (till 13 November 2006) (Nominated by The Hong Kong Sailing Federation)
Mr. Karl C. KWOK (till 31 March 2006) (Nominated by The Hong Kong Sailing Federation)
Mr. Keith MOWSER (till 18 March 2006) (Nominated by The Hong Kong Sailing Federation)
Mr. Ken TRICE (till 9 January 2006) (Nominated by The Hong Kong Sailing Federation)
Mr. Roger EASTHAM (till 31 March 2006) (Nominated by Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club)
Director of Home Affairs or his representative (Home Affairs Department)
Director of Leisure and Cultural Services or his representative (Leisure & Cultural Services Department)
Director of Civil Engineering and Development or his representative (Civil Engineering and Development Department)
Senior Marine Officer/Licensing and Port Formalities (Marine Department)
Executive Officer/PAS & PC(2) (Secretary)

Terms of Reference

Consistent with the need to ensure that boating and yachting are recreational pursuits which can be undertaken by the public in as safe an environment as possible, throughout the waters of Hong Kong, and in order to facilitate communications between Government and those organizations and clubs concerned, to advise the Director of Marine on all aspects of boating and yachting within Hong Kong waters having particular regard to the following:

  1. Legislation, either extant or proposed, relating to the control of pleasure vessels and their activities
  2. Identification of problems relating to boating and yachting and how such problems may be overcome
  3. Ways and means of alerting the boating population of their responsibilities, i.e. by publicity, education, booklets, i.e. "Safety Afloat" and other advisory services
  4. Ways and means of encouraging boat owners, etc. to join "bona fide" clubs and associations
  5. Management techniques for control of mooring areas for pleasure craft so as to ensure optimum safe usage of such areas
  6. Possible sitings for new mooring areas
  7. Problems associated with the passage of cyclonic disturbances over or near Hong Kong as related to pleasure craft
  8. Publicity, education, reporting of and penalties related to the pollution of local waters by pleasure boat operators
  9. Training facilities and special classes related to certification for local masters and engineers so far as pleasure vessels are concerned
  10. Problems or pursuits related to the use of pleasure vessels, i.e. water-skiing, skin-diving
  11. Problems associated with boat and yacht racing in local waters


Miss Maggie CHENG, EO/PAS & PC(2) (Tel.: 2852 4465, Fax: 2545 1535)